Complete Confidence with Every Smile

Teenage girl in dark blue sweater smiling after seeing dentist for teens in Murphy

Do you remember being a teenager and how cool it was to take care of your teeth? Of course you don’t! While your child might be thinking about everything else other than their oral health, we’ll still be here to take care of their adult teeth and set them up for success for whatever life throws at them next. As expert dentists for teens in Murphy, we'll also keep an eye out for issues stemming from orthodontic problems and the wisdom teeth so we can stay ahead of them.

Why Choose Bloom Pediatric Dentistry for Teen Dental Care?

  • Led by Board-Certified Pediatric Dentist
  • We Treat Teens Like Young Adults, Not Toddlers!
  • Comfortable & Conservative Pediatric Dentistry

Should My Teenager Still See a Pediatric Dentist?

Smiling teenage boy with blond hair

While your teen might think of themselves as “grown up,” the truth is that their teeth and jaws are still changing rapidly during this stage, meaning they can benefit from seeing a pediatric dental specialist. Obviously, the dental needs of a teen are quite different compared to a toddler, but our dentists are experts at helping children of any age achieve and maintain the healthy smile they deserve.

Dental Services for Teens

Smiling teenage girl wearing backpack and holding books
  • Athletic Mouthguards: Whether your child just plays with friends on the weekends or is a future star, a custom-fitted guard can help keep them safe and allow you to breathe easy on the sidelines.
  • Orthodontics: We’ll monitor your child and be able to address alignment issues early to shorten the amount of treatment they need overall.
  • Root Canals: If your child has a toothache, we can put a stop to it and save their tooth with a comfortable (yes, comfortable!) root canal treatment.
  • Dental Crowns: Rather than removing a tooth, we can cover it with a natural-looking dental crown while preserving as much of its enamel as possible.